Friday, October 9, 2009


Once again Bro Garza did a fabulous job teaching to the men at the conference. He had all of the men excited about God and His Word. He taught (actually I personally thought he was preaching!) on a topic he called “Come and See.” There was a great move towards prayer at the conclusion of the time together.

Afterwards we went to Monrovia to finalize our check in for the plane flight home and to do a little shopping (trust me it didn’t take long, were Men!). When we were done we made our way to the compound and had a great dinner made by Mother Stewart.

A large crowd was waiting for us as we arrived to the conference site and when we got out of the truck and went inside everyone followed and church started. Worship was upbeat and exciting. In the middle of worship several of the National leaders ushered Bro Garza and I out of the service to dress us in the ceremonial African attire. The entire congregation welcomed us back into the conference worshiping and praising God. The church was full once again and there were many outside like the night before. I preached on being like Jesus and displaying His Character. At the conclusion of the service Brothers and Sisters were worshiping and shouting around the altar accepting the challenge to step up and be Christ like and take that which Christ has given unto them. After about 20 minutes I redirected everyone and had the Pastors come to the front of the altar and their saints stand behind them. There was a tremendous move of the Spirit of God throughout the entire building. Men, women and children were weeping and getting a hold of God. This went on for about another 20 to 25 minutes before God redirected us into celebration and everyone danced and worship for almost 30 minutes. It was AWESOME!!! Bro Garza was down front with several brothers joined arm in arm and dancing around in circles. I was on the platform with the delegation from Sierra Leon dancing back and forth. The building was so loud with the sound of worship that you could not hear the musicians. I thought that they had turned the sound system up all the way but finally realized that it was the worship of the people that literally reverberated throughout the church building and it was almost deafening!

God is great! There were 4 filled with the Holy Ghost and two that desired to be baptized when the night was over with. The ministers from Liberia and Sierra Leon were all so thankful for what God had done in the midst of His people… God is Wonderful!!
Bro Garza, Bishop, Mother Stewart and I were completely soaked with sweat and exhausted when we got into the truck to go home. We talked about the Word of God and how much God loves his children! We had a great dinner and are going to fall into our beds!!!

God bless and thank you so much for all of your prayers. You do not know how much they have meant to us on this trip. The church here in Liberia was so deeply honored that you would be praying for them during this time. The Conference was a tremendous success!!!

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