Thursday, October 8, 2009

Intruders in the Night!

At 1:30 this morning there was a knock on my room door that startled me awake. I opened the door and there stood Bro. Garza with eyes the size of Coke bottles! “Are you awake” he said? “Well I am now, what’s up?” “You have to come check this out” as he lead me to his room. There in the corner was the biggest Spider I have ever seen in my life! “It was crawling across my chest headed for my throat” Bro. Garza said “I grabbed him and had to hold him back from sinking his fangs into my vein.” Obviously an over exaggeration! He was working on his lesson when he saw it come out from under his bed. He had to hit it 3 times with his shoe before it died!!! We spent the next hour searching every nook and cranny of our rooms for more monstrous intruders. Finally when I lay down to go back to bed every little thing that I felt I wondered if it was a spider.
This morning Bishop Stewart left early for the Men’s Conference site. Bro Garza and I slept in till about 10:00 then went and had breakfast with Mother Stewart. We will be leaving around 1:00pm as Bro Garza is scheduled to speak at 2:00.

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